Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Jay Saxon '05: I'm out!

Hi everyone,

I am safe and sound, in Cyprus, where I will be until I fly to Budapest early on Saturday morning. I and everyone I was with (minus the people who chose to stay, more on that later) made it out together, on a Norwegian freighter, a car carrier. The 11-hour trip was absolutely miserable, and I will write more on that later (short version: trip was awful, vomit and flies everywhere, no food, cold, wet, smelly, crowded, uncomfortable), but for now I need to eat and sleep and recover a little bit. I think my Mom already emailed you all, but please pass the word around that we're out and safe, albeit totally disjointed and confused (I was in a war zone 24 hours ago, and now I'm in a fishing village on the Mediterranean). My mind still hasn't really processed what's going on. I may not be back in touch until I get back to Budapest, as I need a bit of time to myself with the people that understand my mental state right now (I'm here with Michael and Rachel, staying at a small apartment owned by Michael's family). I thank you all for everything, and I'll write more soon.



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